EMBOSS explorer


Mixed parsimony algorithm (read the manual)

Unshaded fields are optional and can safely be ignored. (hide optional fields)

Input section
Phylip character discrete states file:
Phylip tree file (optional):
Weights file:
Ancestral states file:
Mixture file:
Additional section
Choose the method to use
Number of times to randomise
Random number seed between 1 and 32767 (must be odd)
Species number to use as outgroup
Threshold value
Output section
Write out trees to tree file?
Print data at start of run?
Print indications of progress of run?
Print out tree?
Print states at all nodes of tree?
Print out steps in each character?
Run section
Email address: If you are submitting a long job and would like to be informed by email when it finishes, enter your email address here.