Overview Digestions pGT4ΔB Electrophoresis DNA clean-up Ligation Fragment isolation Competent cells Transformation Recombinants pGTλ3758ΔH Miniprepping Blotting Probe Labeling Hybridisation Probe Detection PCR |
The Simple Cloning Lab is made to prepare
you for the wet lab experiments of Gene Technology MOB20306 and consists of
different websites: Simple Cloning
Lab is the main website.
SCL Questions containes questions
and assignments for the Sections of the Simple Cloning Lab.
SCL Resources gives you additional
information to find the answers.
To "do" this virtual lab, start in the Simple Cloning Lab with reading
and understanding the Sections indicated on the left, and try to answer
to the accompanying questions in SCL Questions...
Simple Cloning Lab ('the grey site', where you are at this
very moment..)
SCL Resources
("the orange site")
SCL Questions
("the blue Drupal site")
accessable through log-in on BlackBoard
and then:
MOB20306 Gene Technology
> Course Documents
> Simple Cloning Lab questions
Open these three sites in separate browser tabs,
and never use those scrolbars, but use (Shift-) spacebar for easy
up and down scrolling instead!!
Note: to come back to this page, click the SCL logo on the top
left of any other grey site page)